ADAC’s (German’s AA) communications chief executive, Michael Ramstetter, had for year falsified voting results in »Golden Angel«, which chooses Continue reading »
tags: ADAC, Alexander Dobrindt, Golden Angel, Michael Ramstetter, Volkswagen Golf?>
ADAC’s (German’s AA) communications chief executive, Michael Ramstetter, had for year falsified voting results in »Golden Angel«, which chooses Continue reading »
tags: ADAC, Alexander Dobrindt, Golden Angel, Michael Ramstetter, Volkswagen GolfYahoo has fired its chief operating officer, Henrique de Castro, who will get enormous exit package in amount of Continue reading »
tags: exit package, Henrique de Castro, Marissa Mayer, YahooGoogle has announce on Monday that it’s buying Nest Labs for $3.2 billion. Nest Labs is company, which makes smart home appliances and it’s led by ex Apple designer Continue reading »
tags: Apple, Google, Nest Labs, Tony FadellBugatti will be helping raise money for children’s charity Make-A-Wish at Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction in Arizona, which runs until 19th January. If you’re highest bidder, you get a Continue reading »
tags: Barret-Jackson Collector Car Auction, Bugatti, Bugatti Veyron Grand Vitesse, Make-A-Wish charityChina has banned gaming consoles in year 2000, because of the bad impact on the mental health of young people. But now the government of China has lifted this ban and will allow Continue reading »
tags: China, gaming consoles, Microsoft, Nintendo, SonyA joint Gigaom/Techcrunch/Venturebeat production is hosting 7th annual Crunchies on 14th February at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco. This is annual celebration of the best what technology had to offer in 2013. Here are the finalists: Continue reading »
tags: Crunchies, Gigaom, Techcrunch, Venturebeat