Alienware Steam machine
As reported before Valve is cooperating with Alienware for Steam Machine. Alienware Steam Machine will be available in Continue reading »
tags: Alienware, Alienware Steam machine, gaming, Steam Machine, Valve
ADAC’s (German’s AA) communications chief executive, Michael Ramstetter, had for year falsified voting results in »Golden Angel«, which chooses Continue reading »
tags: ADAC, Alexander Dobrindt, Golden Angel, Michael Ramstetter, Volkswagen GolfWhat are you Tolkien about?
An entire neighborhood named after Tolkien’s characters in the Netherlands.
tags: Google Maps, Netherlands, TolkienAsk releases new graphics card ZOTAC GeForce GTX 760 ZALMAN
Japanese company ASK Inc. Will release on 25th January its latest graphics card, the ZOTAC GeForce GTX 760 ZALMAN. This graphics card features 2GB GDDR5 memory set at 6008MHz, ZALMAN VF3000 cooling solution, which consists out of Continue reading »
tags: ASK Inc., graphics card, ZOTAC GeForce GTX 760 ZALMANSanwa Supply has released a cabinet, which can store up to 10 tablets for charging and synchronizing, the 100-CAB001BK. Each space in this cabinet features Continue reading »
tags: 100-CAB001BK, Sanwa Supply, tablets