Dec 02

Moto Maker sale on Cyber Monday has not technically started yet, because the traffic caused errors on Motorola servers before sale started. They are offering fully customized Continue reading »
Cyber Monday,
Moto Maker,
Moto X
Oct 01

Agawi’s 15 person team has introduced the first quantitative and objective benchmark of app response times: TouchMarks. They will try to bring more rigour to discussions around touchscreen response times, device lag, streaming latency and other topics related to how responsive an application feels on a mobile device. For TouchMarks I the team has measured and revealed the minimum response times of flagship smartphones from top manufacturers. They built simple, optimized apps to flash the full screen white*as quickly as possible in response to a touch. The apps contain minimal logic and use OpenGL/DirectX rendering to make sure the response is as quick as possible. The results were remarkable as you can see it in the chart. At MART (Minimum App Response Time) of 55ms, iPhone 5 is twice as responsive as any Android or WP8 phone tested. Continue reading »
Galaxy S4,
HTC One,
iPhone 5,
Lumia 928,
Moto X,
smartphone touchscreen latencies,
WP8 phone