Dec 26

Samsung filed patent last week for wearable device with flexible display and this could be the rumored Galaxy Band. It will probably be fitness-oriented device with sensors Continue reading »
Galaxy Band,
wearable devices
Oct 26

Analyst company Berg Insight has made a research about wearable devices. In 2011 were shipped globally 5.2 million devices, while in 2012 already 8.3 million devices. The company expect that the number of shipped wearable devices will hit 64 million by 2017. Currently the highest among the shipments are Continue reading »
Berg Insight,
fitness wearable,
wearable devices
Oct 15

Nike has released today its fitness-oriented wearable device Nike+ FuelBand SE. Nike+ FuelBand SE is capable of identifying acutual movement better and it also has better flexibility and weather sealing. This wearable device features Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity and double-tap function (home button can brng up the current time). It also has hourly reminders for lazy people so that we will be able to get up and moving. It is available in Continue reading »
Nike+ FuelBand SE,
wearable devices
Sep 29

Apple has hired Nike’s top Fuel Band designer Ben Schaffer. He was a Nike’s Studio Director of the Innovation Kitchen and under his lead Nike was named the most innovative company in 2013 by Fast Company. Ben’s experience in working on the wearables with Nike will be critical, because Apple is developing its own wearable watch-like device. But it also seems possible that Apple could be working on wearables beyond those for the wrist. Tony Fadell, former Apple executive, recently revealed that Apple toyed around with wearables akin to Google Glass. Continue reading »
Ben Schaffer,
Fuel Band,
Google Glass,
Innovation Kitchen,
Nike. Fast Company,
studio director,
Tony Fadell,
wearable devices