Dec 16


The Winfly Development has managed to develop a PMP with some good qualities, but its design is not the best we have seen. The truth is that, beyond their look, we are facing a media player that supports a variety of video files -DivX 3.11/4.x/5.1/5.2., VOB, MPEG-1, MPEG-4 and Xvid- as well as audio formats MP3 and WMA and JPEG images.

Thanks to its TFT LCD 4 inch we can clearly appreciate the videos, without the need for a magnifying glass. It also has an FM radio tuner and an internal memory that reaches 20 GB thanks to its hard drive. Dimensions are 57 × 38x12mm and weight is 28.5g ( this is obviously an error, but this is what the product site claims it weighs, more likely its 280g).

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